UNESCO 2030 Goals

Sustainable Development

Portuguese Network

of Biosphere Reserves


Founded over 725 years ago, the University of Coimbra holds a unique tangible and
intangible heritage, keystone to the scientific culture of Europe and the World.

The value of this important legacy in the fields of science and biological heritage demands the
commitment of the University towards its preservation, reappraisal and dissemination.

Assigned in 2014 to the University of Coimbra, the UNESCO Chair on Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable
Development aims to act as an integrated platform in education, research, information and science communication,
in the fields of biodiversity, ecology, conservation and sustainable use of biological resources, among
Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking countries community.

“We want this Chair to be a prosperous environment
for dialogue and knowledge, where education
and science play a fundamental role promoting
nature conservation and biodiversity for people’s
wellness and sustainability of the planet.”

Prof. Drª Helena Freitas, Chair Holder

Our activities are based on three essential areas:


Provide training and resources for students
and researchers, in the fields of biodiversity
and ecology, by promoting short-term exchanges
among partner institutions and the development
of specific educational contents.


Implement and support a network of
researchers, higher education and R&D
institutions, and to promote scientific and
conservation projects in the fields of biodiversity,
ecology and sustainable development.


Building bridges between academia and society
through science communication, by creating
and improving digital platforms for knowledge
sharing, as well as the development of outreach
activities with schools and general public.


UNESCO Chair on Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable Development

Life Sciences Department
Calçada Martim de Freitas
3000-459 Coimbra