TREASURING – Environmental, historical and social dimensions of Nature Conservation in Gorongosa National Park: Implications for Safeguarding Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
The project “TREASURING – Environmental, historical and social dimensions of Nature Conservation in Gorongosa National Park: Implications for Safeguarding Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” is promoted by the Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for the People & the Planet (CFE), in collaboration with HTC – CFE / NOVA-FCSH and the UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable Development, and funded by Instituto Camões, in partnership with Gorongosa National Park.
This project aims to enhance the natural and cultural historical heritage associated with the Gorongosa National Park, involving the training and qualification of technicians and local communities, reinforcing its role in the conservation, benefits and sustainable uses of environmental resources, in a methodological approach founded on the transdisciplinary scientific research with a strong communication and dissemination component.
The team is composed by Professor Helena Freitas (IR), Professor Maria Fernanda Rollo, Domingos Muala, António Gouveia, Inês Castaño, Vasco Galante, Professor Fernando Florêncio, Luísa Seixas, Joana Maciel and Filipe Guimarães da Silva.
The timeframe for this project is from September 2019 to 2022.
For more information about the project, access here: