First edition of the Academy of Climate Action in Portugal
Catarina Moura, researcher at the Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet and at the UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable Development, participated as a guest expert in the first edition of the Academy of Climate Action in Portugal, having the opportunity to share information on research in the field of Climate Change and activities carried out in the context of the UNESCO Chair as well as presenting his personal vision on the important partnership “Science-Teaching for Climate Action”. The online session, held on July 23, had the participation of about 100 teachers and educators from Portugal and Brazil enrolled in the edition of the AAC taking place this month.
The Climate Action Academy is a virtual training program on climate change and ecological solutions for teachers (from primary to secondary education), informal educators and teachers in training. The objective of this program is to prepare educators to teach about climate change in the classroom in an action-oriented and interdisciplinary way and to inspire students to be agents of change. 2811, the platform responsible for the AAC, offers certification with the support of Climate-KIC, the knowledge and innovation community (KIC) program of the European Union, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This program has international projection, with presence in over 12 countries in Europe and Latin America. The first edition in Portuguese took place in July 2021 and has a partnership with UC (information based on the content of the web pages of the 2811 and AAC-Portugal platform).