International Conclave On Climate Change Mitigation And Adaptation (ICCCMA 2021) – “A global conversation that aims to address the issues, challenges, and local solutions for Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation under the ambit of SDG -13”
On September 4, 2021, at 06:30 (WEST) / 11AM (IST), the International Conclave on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (ICCCMA 2021) – “A global conversation aimed at addressing issues, challenges and solutions areas for Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation within the scope of the SDG-13″will take place , within the scope of the” United Nations Decade for the Restoration of the Ecosystem 2021-2030″. It has the participation of Dr. António Abreu, manager of the UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable Development, at the Workshop “Local Climate Change Adaptation Strategies – The Role of Civil Society”, from 08:45 (WEST)/1:15 PM (IST) to 9:45 (WEST) / 02:15 PM (IST).
The event will take place on the zoom platform. To participate, register HERE.
For more information, click HERE.