2022 Edition – Ecoliteracy course
Taking place at the Department of Life Sciences, the 2021/22 edition of the Ecoliteracy – Literacy for Sustainability and Environment course (DCV-UC curricular unit, organized by the UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable Development with the collaboration of professors and CFE and DCV researchers and external guests) is in full swing!
With a demanding and up-to-date program, a committed faculty and a diverse and fantastic group of students!
Students participate daily in modular structured classes discussing various topics on Environment, Society and Sustainability associated with many of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
In the first time, we started with the introduction on “Sustainability and the Anthropocene” going through the themes “Urban Ecology and Sustainable Cities and Communities”, “Zoonoses: Human Viruses in Aquatic Environments”, “Hunger Eradication: Global Food Production and Nutrition”, “Soils and Sustainable Production”, “Climate Emergency, Impacts and Action: Science and Governance” and ending with “Protection and Sustainable Use of the Oceans”. The program for the 2022 edition is as follows:
1. Sustainability and the Anthropocene
2. Urban Ecology, Sustainable Cities and Communities
3. One Life, One Health, One Planet: People and Nature:
3.1 Zoonotic diseases: Human viruses in aquatic ecosystems
3.2. Biosphere Reserves: Conservation and sustainable development
3.3. Socio-ecological systems: Challenges and opportunities for sustainability
4. Hunger Eradication: Global Food Production and Nutrition
5. The Soil beneath us: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Production
6. Climate Emergency and Action: Science and Governance
7. Protection and Sustainable Use of the Oceans
8. Biodiversity and Conservation of Terrestrial Ecosystems
9. Peace and Democracy: Safeguards for Sustainability
10. SDGs and Partnerships: We, the Agenda 2030 and the UN.
An intense, enriching and stimulating week with a group of students from the most diverse areas of training (Biology/Biosciences, Ecology, Economics, Management, Computer Engineering, International Relations, Law, Design and Multimedia, Communication) and from different nationalities (Germany, Brazil , Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Portugal). Next week, we keep going!
For more information, check here.