BiOS – Biodiversity Open Science

The UNESCO Chair has defined as a priority the commitment to the principles and practices of Open Science,
following the National Open Science Policy based on the statement that Knowledge belongs to all and is for all.


We believe that access to science and knowledge is essential to a better informed society
and more conscious of the world which inhabits, contributing to make it more humane, fair
and more democratic and where welfare can be shared by all


Open Science allows the sharing of knowledge among the scientific community, society and
companies, thus making it possible to increase the recognition and social and economic impact of science.


Open Science is more than the open access of data and publications, is the openness
of the scientific process as a whole, reinforcing the concept of scientific social responsibility.


The working model and all projects carried out by the UNESCO Chair will be in accordance to the Open
Science principles. We aim to make data available, provide access to generated information, include citizens
on the scientific process and knowledge sharing, and generate new research and I&D projects.
