Master in Biological Resources, Territory and Sustainability


The new Master in Biological Resources, Territory and Sustainability (bioS – “Biological Resources for Sustainability”) of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, recently approved by A3ES, will have its first year of operation in 2021/2022.

Under the coordination of Professor Helena Freitas and vice-coordination of Professor João Loureiro, the Master’s Degree in Biological Resources, Territorial Enhancement and Sustainability aims to give relevance and enhance endogenous biological resources, particularly in the region, with the objective of contributing to the dynamism and sustainable development of the territory, as well as to conserve and enhance endogenous genetic resources, with emphasis on the central region of Portugal, promoting the sustainability and resilience of aquaculture and fisheries and also of agro-forestry systems in the context of climate change.

It is intended for holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent in Biology, Biochemistry, Anthropology, Agrarian and Forestry Sciences, other Biological Sciences, Economic and Social and Human Sciences.


Language of instruction: Portuguese and/or English
Duration: 2 years
ECTS credits: 120
Level of education: 2nd cycle


Available here:

Information on application deadlines will be available soon here:

Additional information about the master’s degree here:

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