Training on Biosphere Reserves

The Chair works in close cooperation with the Man and the Biosphere UNESCO Programme and the Biosphere Reserves in Portugal, organizing specific training for the various actors involved, and disseminating good practices in promoting sustainable local communities.

Scheduled actions here!


Alternative dispute resolution on Biosphere Reserves


Registration is free and can be done by email


Date: 27 de novembro de 2017
· Alexandra Aragão (Professor Law Faculty of the University of Coimbra)
· Paula Casaleiro (Researcher Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra)
Local: Sala Jorge Paiva, Botanic Garden of the University of Coimbra


Control of Invasive Species


Registration is free and can be done by email


Date: 3 de Outubro de 2017
· Elizabete Marchante (Researcher Centre for Functional Ecology)
· Hélia Marchante (Professor Coimbra College of Agriculture)
Local: Sala Jorge Paiva, Botanic Garden of the University of Coimbra